Saturday, April 12, 2014

I am a delinquent...

It's pretty official... and I know it most likely does not have to be said but it's true. I am horrible at keeping up with this darn blog. It seemed like such a good idea during my pregnancy (prior to chasing children + keeping up with routines). The days have slipped away from me... they have been documented in one form or another via instagram/facebook/personal reflection or mommy bragging but they have not made it to this page. I don't feel bad. There is just too much fun to be had... We have been busy enjoying each other, our crazy crew. Our little Kalin tribe. Makes my heart smile.

Miller is turning one in a few weeks and I am in complete disbelief. This past year has flown by. It has been quite the ride. I haven't "loved" every second of it but I honestly wouldn't trade any of it for the world. I have cried. I have laughed. I have wondered how the hell we will survive... but most of all I have lived it. Truly lived it... I now have experiences + memories that are mine forever or at least as long as my mind stays with me (family history = possible reality). I am proud of what our little people and our little family has accomplished this past year and I look forward to what lies ahead of us! Grey + Mills amaze me every single day and Chris keeps me going strong. We are happy and in love. It's pretty neat.
Love really is the coal that makes this train roll... (it had to be said)

Adventures with Grey:
Grey is currently learning how to ride a bike! We are proud to say she is fully potty trained, knows her ABC's and counts to 6 with number recognition (total mom brag!). "Goose" as we call her fondly is starting playschool in the fall

Adventures with Millie:
Mill is walking now, rocking 5 teeth and thinks it is hilarious to climb the stairs... We recently embarked on the adventure of getting Mill to sleep in her crib all night (hasn't been as fun as it sounds... )

Adventures with Ella:
Same old puppy... getting into trouble!


Adventures with Grey:
Grey is currently learning how to ride a bike! We are proud to say she is fully potty trained, knows her ABC's and counts to 6 with number recognition (total mom brag!). "Goose" as we call her fondly is starting playschool in the fall

Adventures with Millie:
Mill is walking now, rocking 5 teeth and thinks it is hilarious to climb the stairs... We recently embarked on the adventure of getting Mill to sleep in her crib all night (hasn't been as fun as it sounds... )

Adventures with Ella:
Same old puppy... getting into trouble!