Saturday, February 26, 2011


February 15, 2011 will forever be marked in history as the day that our amazing little lady came into our world.
Grey arrived at 12:01pm weighing 6 pounds 7 ounces measuring 19 inches long after approximately 12 hours of back labour... with an epidural.

Daddy cut the cord and changed her first diaper... he is already the best father in the history of time and continues to be a compassionate and dedicated hands-on daddy.
I honestly could not have done this without "my rock'...

We are already mesmerized by Grey's beauty and impressive facial expressions. We've lost plenty of hours just starring at her sweet face.

The first week had proven to be exciting, challenging and full of serious bonding while Mommy & Daddy took 2 hour shifts throughout the night holding Grey so she would sleep... (Ella periodically joined the shifts but mainly to ensure that her baby was well taken care of and then promptly returned to bed)

This past week has shown loads of improvement and adjustments. "Baby K" (Grey) is sleeping well in her bassinet for various durations of time (usually about 4 hours) and feeding has gone from a source of anxiety for Mom to a major delight for us both.

We are so madly in love with this little person and are in awe of the bliss we feel. God truly knows what He's doing...

Well done!

Friday, February 11, 2011

We're ready...

Well Little Bambino...
We put the car-seat in the car last night in anticipation that you would be arriving today. For some reason we just have that feeling...We really like the sound of February 11, 2011 (11/2/11) but I guess it's not really up to us... all I can say is that Momma & Daddy (and Ella) are really excited to meet you and everyday gets a little harder to wait. It's like waiting for Christmas day. We love you so much and can't wait to share this amazing world with you!

So all we can do is try to encourage you to come on out and meet us... I think we're pretty cool people and you'll probably like us quite a bit...

Hope to meet you soon!


Saturday, February 5, 2011

Maternity photo shoot...

We took maternity photos about a month ago so we could look back and remember what it was like to wait for baby's arrival.
Here are some of the photos of "baby K" in mommy's tummy...

(and Miss Ella of course...)

Friday, February 4, 2011

Daddy's HOME!!!

Daddy got home safe and sound (and on time) at 12:45 am this morning!

Anytime now baby... ANY time.

Preferably sooner rather than later.

We love you "baby K"
