Thursday, November 24, 2011

A month of firsts....

It has been quite awhile since our last post... but with good reason. We have been off experiencing many new first time experiences.

In the last month we have gone on Grey's first, second, third & fourth plane flight. To Saskatoon and Montreal for the first time (not a single tear). Grey met great grandma... finally. Due to a hectic summer we had to postpone our previously planned trip -but we finally made it out there... If anything I think the fact that Grey is now a little older made it more enjoyable for everyone... she is full of personality and is ridiculously interactive. Not to mention ridiculously cute!!!

First hockey game

Thanksgiving & Halloween have come and gone (Our little ladybug stole the show... )

The Christmas tree is up and the first snow fall has shown Grey why we love Canada... mostly from indoors. It's beautiful and frigid all at once...

Grey is now rocking 2 bottom teeth AND 2 top teeth... crawling is old news. Standing is so much cooler... Grey is starting to say "Hi" and wave on command and is clapping up a mad storm...

We have had a super busy but fantastically enjoyable month...  looking forward to updating more a little later on.


Oilers in Montreal

Great Grandma


first Oilers game

Bug Love